
Culinary Guide & Food Tours

1A. Market tour + Picnic (10:30 am-1:30 pm): 75 € p.p. + food purchased for your picnic lunch, approximately 15-20 € p.p.

This outing is for adventurous food lovers who seek a morning of fun, exploration and tasting the unknown. Enjoy a personalized shopping trip at one of Bordeaux’s glorious markets, buy fresh local food you have never tasted, seen nor dared to try before. Did you ever wonder what those popular sea snails taste like? How about a few shrimp with their heads (you don’t eat the heads!) or savor that raw-milk, runny, yummy cheese. Now this is possible. We bring our purchases back to a cozy home-like setting to a 20th century Bordelaise house and sample all the goodies for a casual lunch. Assorted mustard, butters, and other accompaniments will be provided and a glass of wine offered.


Same as above but lunch at one of the stands at the market; tapas or seafood (I urge the oysters, shrimp, bulot and white wine choice).

Lunch additional


Same as above and lunch at one of the wonderful typical restaurants around the market.

Lunch additional

2. Chartrons Walking Tour (10:30 am-1:30 pm): 50 € p.p. Breakfast and lunch paid by client.

Start with breakfast at an 18th century boulangerie where the croissants and breads come out of a 300-year-old wood-burning oven followed by a walk in the streets of the Chartrons area. I point out my favorite food shops, bakeries and sites and suggest places for lunch.

I would be happy to join you for lunch as your guest or simply reserve the restaurant for you.

3. It’s Apero Time chez Kim (5:30 pm – 7:30 pm): 50 € p.p.

After a day of exploring Bordeaux on foot or by car to a local château, wind down at the end of your day with the all-time favorite of the French, “l’apéro”, better known as “The Aperitif” or just simply, “time to collapse and have a glass of wine before dinner”. You are on vacation, you don’t have to food shop or pick up the kids, restaurants do not open until 7:00 or 7:30, so “pourquoi
pas ?” (why not ?). Have a glass of wine or two, nibble on some french classics and share your day or ask questions to a bilingual, bi-cultural transplanted New Yorker living in Bordeaux.